======================= Configuration Reference ======================= This section enumerates all the options that can be provided in the *slam.yaml* configuration file. Core Options ============ - ``name`` The name of the project. - ``description`` A description for the project. - ``function`` Options that describe the function that is being deployed. - ``module`` The Python module or package that contains the application callable. - ``app`` The name of the function or callable to invoke. - ``requirements`` The project's requirements filename. - ``devstage`` The name of the stage designated as the development stage. - ``environment`` A collection of variables, specified as key-value pairs, that are made available to the Lambda function as environment variables. Example:: environment: IN_LAMBDA: "1" ADMIN_URL: "" - ``stage_environments`` A collection of stages. Each stage contains a collection of variables, given as key-value pairs. These variables are exposed as environment variables to the Lambda function when running on the stage. Example:: stage_environments: dev: DEBUG: "1" prod: DEBUG: "0" Note: When using multiple stages, it is important to that any stage variables defined in this section are given values for all stages. This is necessary because sometimes AWS reuses Lambda containers, so environment variables from a previous invocation on a different stage may still exist. - ``aws`` A collection of settings specific to AWS. - ``s3_bucket`` The bucket on S3 where Lambda packages are to be stored. If this bucket does not exist, it is created during the deployment. - ``lambda_timeout`` The timeout, in seconds, for the Lambda function. - ``lambda_memory`` The memory size, in megabytes, for the Lambda function. - ``lambda_security_groups`` If the Lambda function needs to access resources inside a VPC, this entry must contain the list of security groups for the function to use. When VPC access is not desired, this entry must be left blank. - ``lambda_subnet_ids`` If the Lambda function needs to access resources inside a VPC, this entry must contain the list of subnet IDs in that VPC that have to be connected to the function. When VPC access is not desired, this entry must be left blank. - ``lambda_managed_policies`` This entry can define additional managed policies to be assigned to the Lambda function execution role. These can be AWS managed policies (you can provide just the policy name, such as ``AWSLambdaDynamoDBExecutionRole``), or custom managed policies, for which you must provide the fully qualified ARN. - ``lambda_inline_policies`` This entry can define additonal inline policies to be assigned to the Lambda function execution role. - ``cfn_resources`` A list of additional Cloudformation resources to add to the deployment. - ``cfn_outputs`` A list of additional Cloudformation outputs to add to the deployment. WSGI Plugin =========== - ``wsgi`` If this configuration option exists, the project is assumed to be a web application compliant with the WSGI protocol. The values under the ``function`` option (described above) are assumed to be of the WSGI callable. The following options provide more details on how the WSGI deployment should be configured: - ``deploy_api_gateway`` If set to ``true`` (the default), an API Gateway resource is created to map to the Lambda function, so that HTTP requests can be made transparently. If set to ``false``, no API Gateway resources are deployed. - ``log_stages`` A list of stages that are configured to include API Gateway logging. For included stages, API Gateway will produce detailed logging. For stages not included, logging will only be produced for errors. This option is only meaningful when ``deploy_api_gateway`` is set to ``true``. DynamoDB Plugin =============== - ``dynamodb_tables`` A collection of DynamoDB tables to create for each stage. Each table entry is defined by the table name, and contains a sub-collection of settings that define the table schema. Tables created by this plugin have a name with the format *stage.name*, so for example, for a project that defines ``dev`` and ``prod`` stages, a table named ``mytable`` in the configuration will result in DynamoDB tables ``dev.mytable`` and ``prod.mytable`` created. - ``attributes`` A collection of attributes, as key-value pairs where the key is the attribute name, and the value is the attribute type. Attribute types are defined by DynamoDB and can be ``"S"`` for string, ``"N"`` for number, ``"B"`` for binary, and ``"BOOL"`` for boolean. - ``key`` The name of the attribute that is the table's hash key, or a list of two elements with the attributes that are the table's hash and range keys. - ``read_throughput`` The read throughput units for the table. - ``write_throughput`` The write throughput units for the table. - ``local_secondary_indexes`` A collection of local secondary indexes to define for the table. The indexes are defined by their name, and contain a sub-collection that specifies their structure. - ``key`` Same as the table-level ``key`` attribute. For a local secondary index, the hash key must match the key selected for the table-level index. - ``project`` The attributes to project on this index. If set to ``"all"`` all table attributes are projected. Else it can be set to a list of attribute names to project, or to an empty list to only project the key attributes. - ``global_secondary_indexes`` A collection of global secondary indexes to define for the table. The indexes are defined by their name, and contain a sub-collection that specifies their structure. - ``key`` Same as the table-level ``key`` attribute. - ``project`` The attributes to project on this index. If set to ``"all"`` all table attributes are projected. Else it can be set to a list of attribute names to project, or to an empty list to only project the key attributes. - ``read_throughput`` The read throughput units for the index. - ``write_throughput`` The write throughput units for the index. Example:: dynamodb_tables: # a simple table with "id" as hash key mytable: attributes: id: "S" key: "id" read_throughput: 1 write_throughput: 1 # a more complex table with hash/sort keys and secondary indexes mytable2: attributes: id: "S" name: "S" age: "N" key: ["id", "name"] read_throughput: 1 write_throughput: 1 local_secondary_indexes: myindex: key: ["id", "age"] project: ["name"] global_secondary_indexes: myindex2: key: ["age", "name"] project: "all" read_throughput: 1 write_throughput: 1